Monday, March 26, 2007

Type Casting

I recalled this book cover design in Timothy Samara’s Typography Workbook. The design is attributed to Stephen Doyle of Doyle Partners but I think the type is Stefan Sagmeister’s work. The bookcover is for The Druid King, a novel by Norman Spinrad. The type is formed from twigs and acorns.

Check out Sagmeister’s website,, he has some unusual ways with type. In one ad, he used disposable coffee cups
to form type. Some are empty and upside-down, others are filled with coffee-with and without cream. Another—Work 5—he used his own body as a canvas. He was scheduled to speak in Chicago on the painful process of design. He had his intern Martin carve the event particulars into his skin with a scalpel, photographed the result and used enlargements as event posters.

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